Studio 2
Heather Bradbury - Photorealistic Oil Painting
Heather is a passionate oil painter and teacher. At her Kapi Art Space Studio, she provides painting and other creative classes. Her photo-realistic artwork is inspired by nature – from water and reflections to scenes of the natural world. Her art captures beauty, creating a sense of mystery. Heather is committed to helping people bring their creative visions to life.
Heather’s studio is split between home and her gallery studio -Kapi Art Space Studio. She specializes in photo-realistic oil painting, utilizing grids and computer images to capture detail. Her most recent focus has been on hands and water. Additionally, she is exploring printmaking to create more realistic reproduced prints.
studio open 13-14 & 20-21 april
Kapi Art Space
1282 Mount Dandenong
Tourist Rd, Kalorama
0447 358 006
Individual artist
Parking Instructions: Ample parking on streets and at the lookout.
Melways reference: 52 J9